
by Kenji Miyazawa -- Kodansha International, -- 2001. -- 913.6


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タイトル The Restaurant of Many Orders
副書名 and other stories
叢書名 Kodansha English library
責任表示 by Kenji Miyazawa , translated by John Bester  
出版者 Kodansha International,
出版年 2001.
ページ数 123p.
大きさ 15cm
NDC分類(9版) 913.6
ISBN 4-7700-2725-7
本体価格 ¥650
特集内容 contents:The Bears of Mt.Nametoko.The Spider,the Slug,and the Raccoon.The Restaurant of Many Orders.The ungrateful Rat.The Nighthawk Star.Tokkobe Torako.The Man of the Hills.The Police Chief.


タイトル 著者名 ページ
The Bears of Mt.Nametoko
The Spider,the Slug,and the Raccoon
The Restaurant of Many Orders
The Ungrateful Rat
The Nighthawk Star
Tokkobe Torako
The Man of the Hills
The Police Man