
by Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology-Japan -- Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology (MEXT) -- [Foreword2014] -- 505


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1階外国語 /505/+ヌ2/2014 12175535 洋書 帯出可 配架中 iLisvirtual


タイトル White paper on science and technology 2014
責任表示 by Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology-Japan  
巻の書名 Building a human resources system that maximizes potential: Towards making Japan "the most innovation-friendly country in the world"
出版者 Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology (MEXT)
出版年 [Foreword2014]
ページ数 xiii, 372p
大きさ 30cm
NDC分類(9版) 505
備考 科学技術白書